From Gaia Science Alerts Working Group
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The 16th Gaia Science Alerts and the ACME Time-Domain Workshop will be held in the IAC, Tenerife, Spain, and online 29 Sep - 3 Oct 2025
The topics of this year include:
- Celebrate the conclusion of the Gaia mission and Gaia Alerts
- Science highlights from the Gaia mission
- Science highlights from the Gaia Alerts
- Science highlights and tutorials on the BHTOM follow-up system for a global telescope network
- Transient surveys, ground-based, space-based, past and future
- Time-domain astronomy (from supernovae and quasars to stars and asteroids)
- The wealth of the time-domain multimessenger archives
- Synergies between optical telescope networks and multimessenger facilities
- New members of the BHTOM telescope network
- Organization of the follow-up
- Research and educational opportunities for small and mid-sized telescopes
Workshop Organising Committee
Workshop Organising Committee:
- Łukasz Wyrzykowski (NCBJ, OAUW) - chair
- Paul Beck (IAC) - co-chair
- Milena Ratajczak (OAUW)
- Jaroslav Merc (IAC)
- Gerry Gilmore (Cambridge/FORTH)
- Simon Hodgkin (Cambridge)
- Andrii Neronov (APC/Geneva) - TBC
- Fabian Schussler (CEA) - TBC
- Justyna Olszewska (U.Poznan)
The workshop is supported by the EC HorizonEurope ACME grant 101131928 and Polish NCN DAINA grant 2024/52/L/ST9/00210