
From Gaia Science Alerts Working Group
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Workshop Agenda

Zoom link to join the meeting streaming

Agenda is available also as a PDF here

name title duration (with discussion)
Wednesday 18 December 2019
10:00 Coffee and Registration 01:00
11:00 Giuseppe Leto, Isabella Pagano Welcome address and logistics 00:10
11:10 Timo Prusti Gaia mission status 00:30
11:40 Lorenzo Rimoldini Classification of Gaia variable objects: DR2 vs DR3 00:20
12:00 Simon Hodgkin (remote) Gaia Science Alerts introduction 00:30
12:30 Gábor Marton PyTorch classification of astronomical light curves 00:15
12:45 Mitja Fridman Study of the Gaia AlertPipe performance and test of the likelihood detector 00:15
13:00 Lunch break 01:00
14:00 Akihiko Fukui Planned Ground-based Survey for Bright Microlensing Events 00:25
14:25 Ilknur Gezer Young Stellar Objects in Gaia 00:15
14:40 Volodymyr Reshetnyk Gaia Alerts in X-ray and Radio catalogues 00:15
14:55 Andrii Simon New events in the Gaia alerts data. 00:15
15:10 Franz-Josef (Josch) Hambsch Follow up of GAIA alerts 00:15
15:25 Coffee break 00:35
16:00 Fraser Lewis Using Gaia Alerts to Link Education and Research 00:15
16:15 Vira Godunova Long-term monitoring of Gaia transients at the Terskol Observatory 00:15
16:30 Inna Izviekova Variability analysis of Gaia16bnz by optical follow-up from Terskol and Lisnyky observatories 00:15
16:45 Yana Markus Gaia Alerts optical follow-up from Lisnyky observatory 00:15
17:00 Helen Jermak Time Domain Astronomy with the New Robotic Telescope 00:15
17:15 Ricardo Zanmar Sanchez News about the robotic APT2 telescope and the SOXS spectrograph at NTT 00:15
17:30 Susanne M Hoffmann 2000 years of alert history - what can we learn from dead astronomer's observations? 00:15
17:45 Jun Yang Measure the gas to dust ratio towards bright sources in the Galactic Bulge 00:15
Thursday 19 December 2019
09:30 Gerry Gilmore The next OPTICON opportunity 00:20
09:50 Gudrun Pebody the OPTICON-RadioNet PILOT 00:15
10:05 John Davies TNA in OPTICON 00:15
10:20 Buckley David Transient astronomy in South Africa 00:25
10:45 Marco Lam Cross-platform automated spectral data reduction application 00:15
11:00 Coffee break 00:30
11:30 Pawel Zieliński Cambrigde Photometric Calibration Server 2.0 00:15
11:45 Przemysław Mikołajczyk CCDPhot​ - an engine behind CPCS 2.0 00:15
12:00 Lukasz Wyrzykowski OPTICON Time-Domain Network and its future including Black Hole TOM presentation 00:25
12:25 Iair Arcavi Rapid Robotic Followup of Transients 00:25
12:50 Lunch break 01:10
14:00 Rob Beswick (remote) Radio Time Domain in the new PILOT 00:20
14:20 Marcin Gawroński Radio observations in the era of time-domain astronomy 00:20
14:40 Discussion new OPTICON discussion 00:50
15:30 Coffee break 00:30
16:00 Cosimo Inserra ePESSTO+: the advanced Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects 00:30
16:30 Mariusz Gromadzki New types of transients in the era of all-sky surveys 00:15
16:45 Nada Ihanec Nuclear transients in Gaia 00:15
17:00 Mateusz Bronikowski Identification of overluminous Gaia Alerts using photo-z catalogues 00:15
17:15 Katja Bricman Observing TDEs in the era of LSST 00:15
20:00 Workshop Dinner
Friday 20 December 2019
09:30 Zofia Kaczmarek The search for IMBHs in Gaia: new simulations and results 00:15
09:45 Algita Stankevičiūtė Atmospheric Turbulence challenges for hunting Black Holes with ground based telescopes 00:15
10:00 Kotryna Siskauskaite Microlensing through binary black holes 00:15
10:15 Katarzyna Kruszyńska Highlights from Microlensing events found in Gaia Science Alerts 00:20
10:35 Krzysztof Rybicki Gaia18bmt and Gaia19bld - highlights from microlensing alerts 00:20
10:55 Coffee break 00:35
11:30 Agnieszka Gurgul Polarimetric measurements of microlensing events 00:15
11:45 Tolga Güver Istanbul University Observatory : IST60 as a Robotic Telescope 00:15
12:00 Nariman Ismailov On the observational equipments in visual range at the Shamakhy Observatory 00:15
12:15 Oliwia Ziółkowska Loiano and Aristarchos in OPTICON 00:15
12:30 Erika Pakstiene Stellar variability analysis at Molėtai Astronomical Observatory 00:15
12:45 Justas Zdanavičius Gaia alerts observation at Molėtai Astronomical Observatory 00:15
13:00 Staszek Zola Followup observations of Gaia alerts with SKYNET robotic telescopes 00:15
13:15 Lunch break 01:00
14:15 Discussion "Technical issues, comments
15:15 end of the workshop

last update: 13/12/2019 11:05:31

The Social Dinner will be held on Thursday 19th December at 20:00.

On Saturday, 21.Dec, there will be an interesting social event/trip, so if you can, please stay a bit longer!

More details on the Social programme and the trips are available under Logistics pages