From Gaia Science Alerts Working Group
Jump to navigationJump to searchThe topics this year include:
- Status of Gaia - year of the launch!
- Gaia alerts - how they work, what is the expected yield
- Supernovae, microlensing, novae, CVs, AGN flares, and other targets for Gaia Alerts
- Arrangements for the alerts follow-up and verification campaign in early 2014
- Follow-up strategies
- How to get involved in Gaia alerts follow-up networks?
- Current/planned multi-wavelength transient surveys, including X-ray channels
- Reports from tests on transient follow-up
- Presentation of new potential partners for the follow-up network
Draft Agenda
Wed 19. June:
- lunch
- 14:00 welcome and session I
- coffee break
- session II
Thu 20.June:
- session III
- coffee break
- session IV
- lunch (provided by the organizers)
- session V
- coffee break
- session VI
- social dinner
Fri 21.June:
- session VII
- coffee break
- session VIII
- lunch and end of the workshop at 13:00